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The Aorist

Ablaut in Aorist Stems

Aorist stem is formed from a verb stem with either a short- or zero-grade ablaut:

  • zero-grade: formative and long verbs in aorist and future, other conjugations in all tenses;
  • short-grade: formative and long verbs in preterite.

Thematic and Athematic Aorists

Forms built on the aorist stem follow either a thematic or an athematic conjugation.

  • thematic conjugation: all causative tense forms, aorist and preterite tense forms of derivative and a-verbs, aorist tense form of long and formative verbs.
  • athematic conjugation: all basic and u-verbs tense forms, preterite and future tense forms of long and formative verbs, future tense forms of derivative and a-verbs.

Tense Endings

Tense endings are added after a theme vowel in thematic conjugations, or directly to stem in athematic conjugations.

  • aorist tense endings: in basic, nil everywhere else.
  • preterite tense ending: -(n)e.
  • future tense ending: -uva.

Sound Changes in Tense Stems

Several sound changes become apparent in aorist stems. The most important is metathesis (@@), discussed below. For rhotacism and other, more obscure changes, @@.

Metathesis occurs in preterite tense of athematic conjugation, except for u-verbs, and might involve assimilation (@@): cat- > cat-ne > cante, tup- > tup-ne > tumpe, sulup- > sulup-ne > sulumpe.

Verbs which experience metathesis:

  • ending in voiceless stops -p, -t, -c: cap-ne > campe, mat-ne > mante, ruc-ne > runce;
  • ending in voiced stop -d: red-ne > rende;
  • ending in fricatives -f, -h, -z: raf-ne > rappe, lah-ne > lacce, cez-ne > cesse;
  • ending in -l: tul-ne > tulle;
  • ending in -s: hlas-ne > hlasse.

Overview of Regular Forms

Examples (short-grade ablaut stems and thematic vowels are highlighted):

verb stemaorist tense stempreterite tense stemfuture tense stem
vocalic ulir-u-lir-u-(ë)lir-u-nelir-u-uva > lirúva
longtalat-talt-atalat-ne > talantetalt-uva
formative (a)sir-y-sir-y-asiri-y-ne > sirinyesir-y-uva
formative (b)lah-t-lah-t-alaha-t-ne > lahantelah-t-uva
vocalic afar-a-far-afar-a-nefar-uva
derivativetengu-a-tengu-atengu-a-netengu-uva > tengúva
causative (a)tul-ya-tul-y-atul-y-a-netul-y-a-uva
causative (b)tul-ta-tul-t-atul-t-a-netul-t-a-uva

Particular Formations

Spurious Verbs

It happens that in different tenses some verbs belong to different conjugations. The reasons for that vary, but all those verbs are usually easily recognized, and more importantly, they behave regularly within the selected conjugation. We can find:

  • spurious u-verbs: they behave like basic verbs in aorist and preterite: micu- > aorist miquë, preterite minque; but like u-verbs in future: micu-uva > micúva;
  • spurious formatives: they behave like formative verbs in aorist and future: cay-t- > aorist caita, future caituva; but like basic verbs in preterite: cay-ne > caine;
  • spurious s-verbs: they behave like formative verbs in aorist and future: cal-s- > aorist calarya, future calaryuva; but like long verbs in preterite: cala-s-ne > calasse;

Spurious u-Verbs

There are two types of spurious u-verbs:

  • verbs ending in a velar consonant: micu-, nicu-;
  • defective basic verbs which were partially displaced by u-verbs: lir-, cel-.
verb stemaorist tense stempreterite tense stemfuture tense stem
nicu-niqu-ëniqu-ne > ninque, nic-u-nenicu-uva > nicúva
lir-lir-ëlir-ne, lir-u-nelir-u-uva > lirúva

The preference for a form in preterite is sporadic and varies from author to author.

Spurious Formative Verbs

The basic verbs ending in a semivowel largely blended with the formative verbs from the same historical root. Such verbs show variant forms in preterite:

verb stemaorist tense stempreterite tense stemfuture tense stem
cay-(t)-cay-t-acaya-t-ne > ceante, cay-ne > cainecay-t-uva
law-(t)-law-t-alawa-t-ne > loante, law-ne > launelaw-t-uva
law-(y)-law-y-alawa-y-ne > loanye, law-ne > launelaw-y-uva

The spurious verbs with y-extension were rare, but basic preterite for t-extension was regular.

Spurious s-Verbs

Formative verbs with -s- largely merged with formative (a) conjugation, but have long conjugation in preterite:

verb stemaorist tense stempreterite tense stemfuture tense stem
cal-s-cala-s-y-a-ø > calaryacala-s-ø-ne > calassecala-s-y-uva > calaryuva

Augmented Preterite

A special group of formative verbs of √tā shape might form preterite from inverted root with an augment: is-t- > i-si-t-ne > isinte, or-t- > o-ro-t-ne > oronte. The resulting form is superficially the same as from short-grade ablaut: isi-t-ne > isinte, orot-ne > oronte. However, the augment is not a part of the stem, and can be freely omitted, especially if following a vowel (elision, @@): sinte, ronte. The vowel of a short-grade ablaut stem can’t be elided.

Long Preterite

Some basic and formative verbs show a lengthened-grade ablaut in preterite:

  • verbs ending in -b or -w: lab- > láve, tyaw- > tyáve;
  • verbs ending in -d beside regular -nde sometimes reformed either after regular -r verbs to no-metathesis -rne: nid- > nirne; or, more commonly, to long preterite: yod- > yóre;
  • verbs in -y beside regular -ine could have a long preterite form (see below): ray- > ráie;

Long Future and Contract Future

Basic verbs ending in -b or -w show an irregular future form depending on its root vowel:

  • if root vowel is -o- or -u-, the future ending is -ua: tub- > tuvua;
  • with any other root vowel, the final consonant is dropped: lab- > la-ø-uva > lauva.

Verbs in -ea

A small and rare group of verbs which show -ea in aorist tenses comprises basic verbs with stems in -ay and a-verbs ending in -e(g)a:

verb stemaorist tense stempreterite tense stemfuture tense stem
basicray-ray-ë > rearay-ne > raineray-uva
vocalic ate(g)a-te-ate(g)-ne > tengete-uva

Formative-Derivative and Causative-Derivative

The derivative verbs which make use of additional suffixes like -t, -s or -ta technically belong to either formative or causative conjugation, except that just like derivative verbs, they have no ablaut.

Verbs with addition of -s were spurious (see above): they had formative (a) forms in aorist and future tense, but joined long conjugation in preterite.

verb stemaorist tense stempreterite tense stemfuture tense stem
formative (a)tenca-s-tenca-s-y-atenca-s-ø-netenca-s-y-uva
formative (b)tenca-t-tenca-t-atenca-t-netenca-t-uva

For the rhythmic lengthening tencatáne, → 2.