The Article

For the meanings and uses of the article, →28. The article is invariant for case, number or gender, and only changes to suit the phonetic environment. The forms are as follows:

i before a consonant
j before an open vowel
ij before e
in before e, i
'n after -e, -i, -ie


  • Indis i·Ciryamo — syllabic i between two consonants;
  • auta i·lómë — syllabic i after a vowel and before a consonant;
  • sac' i·fende — syllabic i after ë and before a consonant;
  • lírinen ómo j·aire táríva — asyllabic j between two open vowels;
  • yassen tintilar ij·eleni — epenthetic j before e;
  • coimas in Eldaron — epenthetic n before e;
  • utúlie 'n·aure — epenthetic 'n after ie.


It is common not to spell epenthetic consonants, having i in every environment: i·indo.

The forms of the article are prepositive (→ @@). For the purpose of accentuation they count as proclitics (@@).